Sep 16, 2015
Yes, you do have the right to represent yourself in a court of law. Our constitution guarantees that. However, if...
It happened recently in Colorado. A twenty-five year old suspect had taken his roommate's Jeep for a joyride - while...
Law enforcement is always ever vigilant. They are looking constantly for breaches of the legal code. This means that...
A New Jersey driver was arrested for DUI when an officer pulled him over... because of damage to his car! A tree had...
Aug 24, 2015
With personal breathalyzers being a new hot item on the market I thought I would look around and see which ones the...
There has recently been a situation where hundreds of blood tests have been thrown out because there was a question as...
Being stopped for a traffic violation is a very common occurrence. With Vermont being close to the border and the War...
Jun 15, 2015
This question comes up in almost every interview I have with a DUI client - and it is usually the first. The police...
Technology develops at a very rapid pace and law enforcement is as interested in it as Silicon Valley. A new laser...
Most people are not aware of the consequences to having multiple DUI convictions. The most difficult one is that in...
Nissan has created a smart car that has an interesting new feature. The transmission shift knob (automatic or standard)...
It is important to know your rights when you are questioned by a law enforcement officer. You have the right to remain...
A new product has been developed which the police intend to use in their War on Drugs. This device is called a DDS2,...
If you have been charged with DUI, there are some things you should know about how the evidence against you may have...
You may think that you can pass that field sobriety test if you've had a few. Think again! In Pennsylvania, for...