Manslaughter, Attempted Murder, and Murder

These charges carry with them the risk of life imprisonment, and long periods of parole or probation if someone is released.

When someone is charged with a violent crime like manslaughter, murder, or attempted murder, getting the right defense attorney can be a life altering decision.

At Handy Law we have experience litigating these serious charges, which allows us to see flaws in the government’s case and get you the best outcome by:

  • Challenging evidence
  • Working on alibis
  • Challenging forensic and expert testimony
  • Challenging the defendant’s competency to stand trial

Handy Law is also experienced with Vermont’s bail system and home detention program, and we work tirelessly to get you out of pre-trial detention so that you can go home and be with your loved ones while your case proceeds.

It is important for defense attorneys to know and understand the various options at sentencing, so that if someone is sentenced, their sentence works best to fit their needs and life circumstances.
