Jul 06, 2021
It has become commonplace in many parts of the country. Most states have some sort of checkpoint program in place where...
Even if you seem convinced by the police that allowing them to search your person and/or property is "in your best...
There has been much in the press recently about police being required to wear body cams. For those who do not know,...
May 25, 2021
It is basically universal that if you are arrested for DUI, part of the process will be for you to take a breathalyzer...
There are states that offer a program for those charged with DUI for the first time and have no prior...
Beginning in 2019, authorities in Texas began investigating two separate drug trafficking organizations. Over the...
In New Jersey, a defendant argued, upon being charged with a third DUI, that their second DUI conviction...
A recent case in New Jersey brings to light a common misconception among the public. Many people think that if you...
If your conception that a doctor is always an upstanding member of society that can do wrong, please reconsider....
It is obvious that nobody should ever operate a motor vehicle or any type of machinery if they are under the...
In order to defend your rights, the justice system in America offers only one path forward. That is trial by jury....
Mar 05, 2021
It is important to remember a few things if you are ever stopped or interrogated for suspicion of DUI. It is easy in...
If you are summoned to the police station to be questioned by the police, you will almost certainly be read your...
Jan 13, 2021
An interesting appeal happened recently in New Jersey, regarding the burden of proof needed to enforce a...
Jan 05, 2021
The best way for a criminal defense attorney to serve their client is to be prepared for trial. Prosecutors are...