DUI Criminal Consequences

You want a firm with the most experience in tackling DUI cases in Vermont.

Our experienced staff guides you through this complicated process; signing you up for classes, getting you the right assessments, and advocating for your unique situation at every turn. We care about getting you the best outcome for your case, and creating solutions that work for you.

Driving under the influence can have wide-ranging consequences such as community stigma, loss of your license, payouts to someone you hit, and even jail time. A single stop can cost you years of work.

At Handy Law, we have experience tackling all the issues that may come up in your case. We carefully comb through hours of body cam and cruiser footage to check if your rights were violated and if police had a proper reason to stop you and ask you to exit your vehicle.

Next, we check that all appropriate procedures were followed by police while performing:

Field Sobriety Tests
Partial Breath Tests
Datamaster Breath Test

Small mistakes that law enforcement makes in this process can be the difference between a conviction and a dismissal.