
20Apr 2015

Witnesses and DUI

Not everybody sees the same thing the same way. Some of us are color blind. Some of us interpret the actions of another differently. The same is especially true when it comes to trying any case in a court of law - including DUI. In essence, that is what the arresting officer is in a DUI case - the State's star witness. They will be called...

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20Apr 2015

What Will Give Me A Marijuana DUI?

It used to be that if you were stoned, you were charged with DUI. Some states now are reexamining this policy and determining limits for Delta-9 THC intoxication. For example, Colorado law has defined Delta-9 THC intoxication as being more than 5 nanograms per milliliter of blood. This amount is being called into question and is very meaningful for your defense. A recent study has found...

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20Apr 2015

How Does A Cop Determine Whether Or Not To Pull You Over For DUI?

Everyone should know that a police officer cannot stop you and then "work backwards" to try to find a reason to arrest you. They must have reasonable suspicion that a crime was committed or is being committed. That means that we should all be aware of some basic guidelines that many police departments and officers use when determining whether or not to stop someone. The US...

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13Feb 2015

What Did Obama's November Executive Order On Immigration Do?

Perhaps the most important act of the Executive Order was to give undocumented immigrants more time to have their deportations delayed and more time to obtain work permits. There were, in addition, several other highlights to the Order. Parents of US Citizens and residents will be able to apply for work permits. More immediate family members of US citizens will be allowed to...

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13Feb 2015

What Can Be Used Against Me In A DUI Trial?

This is a question I am often asked and it is a good one. For you to be convicted of DUI the prosecutor must prove that you were: 1) Operating a motor vehicle of some type 2) That you had consumed a substance that can impair your ability to operate the vehicle 3) That you had consumed enough of the substance to have impaired your...

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