
05Apr 2024

Eclipse and DUI's in Vermont

It seems everyone is getting ready for the up and coming Eclipse scheduled to appear Monday April 8, 2024. It is going to last over 3 minutes making it the longest lasting Eclipse in the 21 century. Many are celebrating by having large gatherings to watch and enjoy together. This means many there will be drinking and driving the local police know this.  Vermont Police...

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06Jul 2021

July 4th Checkpoints - It's That Time Of Summer Again

It has become commonplace in many parts of the country. Most states have some sort of checkpoint program in place where state or local police set up what are called checkpoints. July 4th is one of the weekends when you can bet checkpoints will be set up. It is common knowledge, what they are, but in case you are not aware, a checkpoint is a place, usually on a well-traveled...

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06Jul 2021

It Is Crucial To Refuse A Police Search: Can Make The Difference Between Winning And Losing Your Case

Even if you seem convinced by the police that allowing them to search your person and/or property is "in your best interests," you should always refuse, unless you are presented with an actual search warrant. Why is this important? Because regardless of whether or not a search you consent to was legal, or not, once you CONSENT to a search, it is allowable under the law, generally no matter the...

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06Jul 2021

What about body cams? Will they help my case?

There has been much in the press recently about police being required to wear body cams. For those who do not know, these are devices that record both audio and video and digitally save that data to a digital storage device carried by the officer. This is then downloaded at the end of an officer's shift and is kept for a period of time, especially if a crime was investigated...

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25May 2021

Always Check the Calibration Certificates of Breathalyzers

It is basically universal that if you are arrested for DUI, part of the process will be for you to take a breathalyzer test. These machines are generally calibrated (standardizing their readings) once every three months. If they are not calibrated, then their results can be skewed, either in the direction indicating more intoxication, or less intoxication.Many defense attorneys are keen to this knowledge and most police departments make very...

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