
18May 2017

In New Jersey, No Hardship Licenses

It is generally accepted that if you are convicted of a DUI you are going to lose your license for a period of time. In most states, there are what are known as "hardship licenses" that, even though a driver's right to drive may have been suspended, the state will grant a license to be used at certain times, such as going to work or...

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26Apr 2017

What is Probably Cause in Relation to DUI?

In order for a driver to be pulled over, an officer must have an "articulable and reasonable" suspicion that traffic laws have been violated. For example, if you are traveling at 20mph over the speed limit, then there is a very clear reason for an officer to suspect that you have violated traffic laws. Speeding may be one indication of an individual driving under the...

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26Apr 2017

What's Worse? Distracted Driving or Drunk Driving?

Our society is increasingly intolerant of drunk driving and driving under the influence of pretty much any substance. This is good as drunk driving can lead to tremendous property damage and even loss of life. However, it is interesting that society does not have the same vigilant intolerance for distracted driving. In particular, using one's cell phone while driving.A recent study by Cambridge Mobile Telematics...

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26Apr 2017

What are Field Sobriety Tests?

When you are pulled over under suspicion of a DUI it is not just a breathalyzer you will face. There are a number of tests that an officer may give you to help him determine whether or not you are driving impaired. These are known as Field Sobriety Tests. Here are some of them:The One Leg Stand is a test that seeks to determine and...

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26Apr 2017

Miranda Rights and DUI

One important fact that people are not aware of, but may seem obvious, is that during a traffic stop you are not read your Miranda rights before being questioned by an officer. However, just like after being read your Miranda rights, anything you say during a traffic stop also can and will be used against you.It is important to stick to the facts when being...

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