
16Dec 2015

In Minnesota Your Protections Are Greater If You Do Drugs?

The State of Minnesota has passed a law allowing a warrantless search by breathalyzer. This means that if you are suspected of DUI you must submit to a breathalyzer test or face potential additional charges and arrest. However, other drugs are not detected by breathalyzer. Most other drugs are detected by blood and/or urine tests. These tests are not mandated by law in Minnesota so you have the right to refuse them without immediate consequences. The odd lesson? Move over alcohol, you have more rights by taking illicit substances. Of course, the law will most likely catch up with this discrepancy, but the lesson is clear. Law enforcement wants to clear the way to search your body without a court order in their fight against drug use and DUIs. If you live in Burlington, Essex, Colchester, Winooski, Williston, Shelburne or anywhere in the State of Vermont, and have been arrested or charged with DUI or any crime, call The Law Office of C Jordan Handy for aggressive and experienced legal defense.