Dec 08, 2017
Let's say you are out for a night on the town with your buds. You drink way too much, and you know it. Yet, you are not...
This is a very interesting question and one that has prompted many cities and states to do some research. The American...
Nov 21, 2017
With the anticipation of driverless cars appearing on the streets, states have begun the process of making sure that...
Never forget that it is your right to remain silent when you are being questioned by the police. This is a right that...
Oct 10, 2017
Everyone thinks that in order to be charged with a DUI the classic situation has to arise when an officer observes a...
Officers in many states can earn a certificate that qualifies them as a \"drug recognition expert.\" This designation...
With technology constantly advancing it is no surprise that developers have taken aim at helping consumers be safe and...
Let's say you are out on the town and you've done the rounds with friends and it's time to call it a night. You get...
Sep 06, 2017
In San Diego, California, officers are using a new method to test for the presence of DUI marijuana. They are using a...
In the State of Florida, if you have a driver's license, part of the agreement you make with the state when you accept...
It is not just a DUI charge you need to be concerned about being charged with when on the road. Even if you are stone...
Let's say you get charged with a DUI, you decide you don't need an attorney and you end up with a conviction. How much...
Jun 21, 2017
Most people who watch police procedural TV shows are familiar with the idea of a plea bargain. The prosecutor can offer...
May 18, 2017
If you did business decades ago you may remember the Three Martini Lunch. Business people would think nothing of...
A new device has been developed that is certain to change the game when it comes to enforcing distracted driving laws....