Jul 29, 2019
Most People Don't Think They Will Get Caught Driving High
Though society seems to be unanimous in regarding driving drunk as a
really bad thing, the same cannot be said for driving high. In a recent study,
seventy percent of respondents stated that it would be unlikely
for someone to be caught driving under the influence of marijuana.
Another revelation of the study is that people are actually driving
high. An astonishing 14.8 million people responded that they had driving
within an hour of using some form of marijuana.
Perhaps the major factor causing the belief that people won\'t get caught
driving high is that it is very difficult to ascertain whether or not
someone is actually under the influence of marijuana. Alcohol
intoxication is relatively easy to spot and easy to test for. You blood
alcohol content is pretty much directly related to its effect on your
actions. This is not the case with marijuana, and finding THC (the
active component of marijuana) in your bloodstream proves virtually
nothing as it can remain there for weeks after use.
If you live in Burlington, Essex, Colchester, Winooski, Williston,
Shelburne or anywhere in the State of Vermont, and have been arrested or
charged with DUI or any crime, call Handy Law for aggressive and
experienced legal defense.