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06Jul 2021

July 4th Checkpoints - It's That Time Of Summer Again

It has become commonplace in many parts of the country. Most states have some sort of checkpoint program in place where state or local police set up what are called checkpoints. July 4th is one of the weekends when you can bet checkpoints will be set up. It is common knowledge, what they 
are, but in case you are not aware, a checkpoint is a place, usually on a well-traveled stretch of road, where each passing vehicle is stopped and the driver is inspected (by sight, odor, and questions) for signs of impairment.

If a driver is suspected of operating under the influence, they will be pulled over and administered additional tests in an effort to determine if they are breaking the law, putting others and themselves in danger. Additional tests can range from field sobriety tests to a breathalyzer.

You MUST stop at these checkpoints. Interestingly, don't think you can 
"get out of them." There are usually several officers waiting in cruisers to follow and interrogate drivers who turn around when approaching a checkpoint and try to drive away. If you are going to drive under the influence of anything, here's some quick advice - don't. If you live in Burlington, Essex, Colchester, Winooski, Williston, Shelburne, or anywhere in the state of Vermont, and have been arrested or charged with DUI or any crime, call Handy Law for aggressive and experienced legal defense.