
23Oct 2020

New Way Your Phone May Be Able To Tell If You Are To Drunk To Drive

Smartphones have had attachments for a while now that will turn your 
phone into a breathalyzer. However, there is now another way your phone 
may be able to tell if you are too intoxicated to drive. All smartphones 
have something called an "accelerometer" built in to their operating 
systems. The accelerometer can measure variations in your walking 
patterns, and by analyzing them, determine if you are impaired.

Does this sound too sci-fi or futuristic to be true? Well, researchers 
at the University of Pittsburgh asked volunteers to drink enough alcohol 
in an hour to raise their BAC to .2 percent, well above the .08 percent 
that is standard throughout the country for being legally intoxicated. 
Interestingly, the accelerometers were able to tell with 90 percent 
accuracy if they were drunk!

With a bit more research and some programming know-how, your phone may 
have an app that could have you walk a bit and advise you if it's safe 
to drive! Of course, if you have had any substance and there is any 
chance you could be impaired, don't drive. If you live in Burlington, 
Essex, Colchester, Winooski, Williston, Shelburne, or anywhere in the 
state of Vermont, and have been arrested or charged with DUI or any 
crime, call Handy Law for aggressive and experienced legal defense.