
23Mar 2020

If Unconscious, Can The Police Obtain A Blood Sample?

A recent case in Jacksonville, Florida has brought up a very valid and 
interesting point of law. A driver was involved in a crash and was taken 
to the hospital, unconscious. The officer at the scene noticed a very 
strong smell of alcohol coming from the driver's vehicle.

Even though the officer did not have a search warrant, and the driver 
was not able to consent to a blood test, the officer asked the hospital 
to take blood for the purpose of testing for blood alcohol levels. The 
hospital did take the sample and the driver's blood-alcohol level was 
far above the legal limit. When the driver regained consciousness, he 
was arrested and charged with DUI.

During the trial, the defense argued that he was subjected to an illegal 
search and seizure, as there was no search warrant and the defendant was 
unable to give consent to having a blood sample taken. The driver, 
however, was still convicted of DUI.

An appeal court determined that, ultimately, the taking of the blood 
the sample was constitutional as the constitution states "unreasonable 
Search and seizure.' The court determined that in the public interest, 
something as time-sensitive as a blood alcohol level test was a 
reasonable search. If you live in Burlington, Essex, Colchester, 
Winooski, Williston, Shelburne or anywhere in the state of Vermont, and 
have been arrested or charged with DUI or any crime, call Handy Law for 
aggressive and experienced legal defense.